Seeking Hort Society members who want to help with the plant sale!

The Sault Ste. Marie Horticultural Society’s annual plant sale is coming up on Saturday, May 24,2014 from 9 a.m. to noon at United Baptist Church on Malabar Drive. This is our premier annual event to raise money to fund society activities, and it’s a lot of fun as well. If you would be willing to help out with this event, please email [email protected]. We will need help with set up, pulling plant price tags and adding them up, helping people cart their purchases to their car, take down, etc.

We are also seeking donations for sale items! If you have a plant you can divide and donate, especially one that’s a more unusual variety, or can donate gardening magazines or gently used small gardening items (pretty pots or vases, trowels, etc.), please email us.

Finally…Be sure to mark your calendar, and see you on the 24th!


One thought on “Seeking Hort Society members who want to help with the plant sale!

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