Know someone with a beautiful garden? Reward their efforts with a nomination for a City Beautification Award!

photo of garden

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Nominations are open for Sault Ste. Marie’s 2014 City Beautification Awards! It’s time to acknowledge local gardeners and community businesses for the significant contributions they bring to our fair city via creative landscape design and growing flowers and/or vegetables.

We hope that this year, you will take the time to nominate someone! Deadline for nominations is Thursday, July 17.

The award categories are (please note that our society sponsors the Best Vegetable Garden Award!):

  • Front Yard, Backyard (sponsor - Godfrey Realty Group Inc.)
  • Commercial/Institutional (sponsor – KPMG)
  • Feature in a Garden Award (sponsor – Lemieux Composting)
  • Most Improved Residential Property
  • Best Water Feature (sponsor – New North Greenhouses)
  • Green Glove Garden (sponsor – Clean North)
  • Teeny Weeny Garden (sponsor – One of a Kind)
  • Best Vegetable Garden (sponsor – Sault Ste. Marie Horticultural Society)
  • Best of the Best (sponsor – Downing’s Landscaping and Greenhouses)

View/Print Nomination Form. Forms are also available at:

  • Civic Centre reception desk
  • Canadian Tire Garden Centre
  • Downing’s Greenhouse
  • Lemieux Composting
  • New North Greenhouses
  • Rome’s Independent Grocer – Garden Centre

Nominating one property for multiple categories is fine; however, a separate form is required for each category. A $2 entry fee will apply for each submission.

City Beautification brochures are available at nomination locations and include details about award criteria and judging. Judging will occur between July 23 and August 6.

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