A generous donor (research scientist at MNR’s Ontario Forest Research Institute) has just donated about 100 tree seedlings left over from one of his research trials to the Hort Society to sell at tomorrow’s $1 $2 $3 Plant Sale at the Allard St. Community Garden, 105 Allard St. (8 am to noon). Species include white birch, sugar maple, larch (tamarack), white spruce, and white pine.
This plant sale will feature a variety of other plants as well, such as hostas, geraniums, irises (giant and Siberian-latter is great for wet areas!), lupins, daylilies, ladysmantle, evening primrose, vegetable seedlings, and much more—at rock-bottom prices. Clean North will also be there selling trees and shrubs and answering questions about greener living.
Proceeds to help support community gardening projects and gardening education!
Pass it on! Hope to see you tomorrow!