Gardeners, need mulch? Clean North is having a Move That Mulch! event from 9 am to noon on Saturday, June 7 at Algoma University. You can pick up some nice mulch made from chipped up Christmas trees—great for acid-loving garden areas and pathways. Bring your own containers; their volunteers will help you shovel.
Clean North will also be selling a variety of locally adapted three-year-old tree seedlings, including white cedar, white spruce, Norway spruce, red pine and white pine; prices are $6 each (or $5 each for 4+ or $4 each for 20+). They can give you tree-planting advice, too!
Also on sale will be coir coconut fibre (environmentally friendly substitute for peat moss), worm composter kits, bat houses, and rain barrels.
For more information, call the Clean North office at (705)945-1573 or email [email protected].
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