Facebook link: https://facebook.com/groups/ssmhort

Why A Very Seedy Exchange?

Many gardeners have saved seed, or have excess seed they would love to share…and possibly try a variety or two
of something else they don’t currently have seeds for. This exchange will provide an opportunity for seeds finding

new homes and like-minded gardeners connecting and sharing.

Safety and Compliance

Maximum 5-6 people in at a time, COVID processes will apply. No mask, no entry! 

Who can participate?

Seed swapping is for everyone! No matter if they’re experienced seed savers who want to expand their collections,
or a new gardener who wants to try growing from seed. We want to continue what we have developed over the
years, a connection amongst a community of gardeners and the importance of seed diversity!

Do you have Seeds to Swap? YES! Let’s Get Started 

1. Make a list of seeds you have to swap.
2. Start making your packets. Use small baggies, envelopes, folded and sealed paper packets, whatever!
The easiest way to do this is to package them up with number of seeds according to size.
– Larger seeds (eg. peas, beans, sunflower, nasturtiums : 5-6 per package.
– Medium sized seeds like turnips, calendula, cucumber, beetroot) : 7-10 per package
– Small seeds (eg broccoli, lettuce, radish, columbine, marigold, peppers):– a generous pinch or two
Print or label on each packet what kind of seeds it contains, the variety if you know it, if it is an heirloom variety (or non-gmo, open pollinated, etc.), the date it was purchased OR saved, colour, any planting or growing tips.
What’s Next: Now that your seed packages are ready we will need your communication info.  
 Place all in an envelope/baggie with your Name, Telephone # OR Email address.
 The drop-off site: There will be a large blue tote by the front step at 535 MORIN ST. (Sault Ste. Marie).
Dropped off packages will be retrieved OFTEN each day until the end date: WEDNESDAY, March 3rd
 Note:  Please do not include invasive varieties or seeds older than 3 years old. Also, be aware some types
remain viable only for a year in typical home storage (eg spinach, onion, leek, parsnip and celery) …
package accordingly, eg a few extra seed.


The event runs from 9 to noon. Doors for swappers will open at 9 a.m., then 10 a.m. for all interested participants. This is why we need swappers to include their names.